Monday, February 10, 2014

Feed Back

At the bottom of every Blog Post, there is a place to leave a comment.
This will become an important part of the class blogging experience. This comment place will be used as a means of giving each other feedback and will also act as a means of ensuring that each of you has read and interacted with each others blogs.

Reasons for giving each other feedback:

1) To learn about the various gods

2) To read each others writing

3) To interact with each other strengthening the classroom community

4) To make full use of the technology

5) Because it is required!

What should you include with feedback?

1) Point out something which you feel the blogger has done exceptionally well.

2) Point out in a constructive and positive way, an aspect which can be improved upon.

3) Ask each other questions.

4) Begin to make connections between the myths and deities.

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